Security Insurance Savings

FBI statistics for 2013 indicate a burglary occurs approximately every 16 seconds in the U.S., and homes with a security system are three times less likely to be burglarized than homes that do not have security systems. According to the NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) a structure fire was reported every 65 seconds in 2013 with $9.5 billion dollars in property loss reported, 2,855 civilian deaths and 14,075 civilian injuries.

Indiana Technical Installations suggests homeowners take advantage of a monitored home security system for fire and intrusion.  The safety features and peace of mind provided are priceless. The emotional strain caused by catastrophic events like home invasions, burglaries and fires can have a profound effect on your family, especially children. ITI reminds you that the best way to deal with such events is to prevent them from materializing in the first place.

An expertly monitored security system will add a layer of protection to your home, creating a safer situation for your family. Insurance companies know monitored systems reduce the probability of your home being burglarized or costly damage occurring due to water or fire. With less chance of you filing a claim, the insurance company will pass premium savings on to you. In fact, a monitored security system in your home can reduce your homeowner’s insurance up to 20 percent on average.

Often, homeowner’s insurance is rolled into your mortgage. Because you’re not writing a check for it every month, you might not know what the cost actually is to you or how much you might save by getting a monitored home security system. You’re already facing a lot of expenses as a homeowner; ITI thinks you should save money where you can, especially if it helps keep you safe.

Get a no-obligations quote on a monitored home security system from Indiana Technical Installations call 260-824-2488 or email